Access current hotspot data for any location on Earth. Current hotspots are frequently updated based on validation models and data from multiple different satellites and sensors. Data is available in JSON format.

You can retrieve individual hotspots as well as list and filter all hotspots from our database.

<aside> 🌍 Coverage: Global



GET /hotspots
GET /hotspots/:id
GET /hotspot_check

List Hotspots

Retrieve a list of hotspots sorted by date and filtered by corresponding parameters.

Parameter Description Mandatory
start filter starting at a certain time (unix timestamp UTC-0) in the past (default: now-24h) No
end filter until a certain time (unix timestamp UTC-0) in the past No
country filter by Two-letter comma separated country codes (ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2) No
aoi_id filter hotspots that are within one of your AOIs No
nuts_id filter by NUTS Area (only Europe) No
bbox filter by comma separated bounding box (southwestLng, southwestLat, northeastLng, northeastLat) No
clc_code filter by comma separated corine landcover (clc) codes No
limit limit on the number of objects to be returned (default: 25). Use -1 to get all hotspots without limit. No


Returns a GeoJson FeatureCollection of hotspots.

If no filter parameters are defined the newest hotspots from the database are returned with the default limit of 25.

GET /hotspots


curl "<>" \\
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY"


headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR-API-KEY'}
response = requests.get("<>", headers = headers)

Retrieve a single Hotspot

Retrieve a single hotspot by id.

Parameter Description Mandatory
id the identifier for a single Hotspot (e.g. 18365916) Yes


Returns a GeoJson FeatureCollection with a single hotspot.

GET /hotspots/:id


curl "<>" \\
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY"


headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR-API-KEY'}
response = requests.get("<>", headers = headers)

Check Location

A simple check for hotspots in an area around a given location

Parameter Description Mandatory
latitude latitude for the location of your interest yes
longitude longitude for the location of your interest yes
start check for hotspots starting at a certain time (unix timestamp) in the past no
end check for hotspots until a certain time (unix timestamp) in the past no
radius radius in meter for the area (circle) to be searched in (default: 500m) no


Returns a json object with information for the given location.

GET /hotspot_check


curl "<>" \\
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY"


headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR-API-KEY'}
response = requests.get("<>", headers = headers)