Access critical infrastructure data like hospitals, power-plants, airports and others.

You can retrieve individual objects as well as list of critical infrastructure objects and filter by location or attributes.

<aside> 🌍 Coverage: Europe



GET /critis
GET /critis/:id

List Critis objects

Retrieve a list of critis objects filtered by corresponding parameters.

Parameter Description Mandatory
sector filter sector (health, public, transport, ict, energy, water, industry) No
type filter by types No
subtype filter by subtype No
service filter by service No
aoi_id filter objects that are within one of your AOIs No
nuts_id filter by NUTS Area (only Europe) No
bbox filter by comma separated bounding box (southwestLng, southwestLat, northeastLng, northeastLat) No
limit limit on the number of objects to be returned (default: 25). Use -1 to get all objects without limit. No
grfs_id filter by Greek Forest Services Regions (kodikos__1 or dasarxeio) No
ctfs_id filter by Catalonia administrative division/regions (codicomar or capcomar) No
cofs_id filter by Corsica administrative division/regions (numero_zon) No


Returns a GeoJson FeatureCollection of critis features.

If no filter parameters are defined the newest critis objects from the database are returned with the default limit of 25.

GET /critis


curl "<>" \\
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY"


headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR-API-KEY'}
response = requests.get("<>", headers = headers)

Retrieve a single object

Retrieve a single critis object by id.

Parameter Description Mandatory
id the identifier for a single critis object Yes


Returns a GeoJson FeatureCollection with a single feature.

GET /critis/:id


curl "<>" \\
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY"


headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR-API-KEY'}
response = requests.get("<>", headers = headers)